Bérurier Noir Joyeux Merdier 12″
An Xmas record I just got a hold of, and excellent pop punk it is. Four songs, all with a characteristic French punk rhythm machine, fuzz guitars, good hooks, and even bagpipes. Cool.
An Xmas record I just got a hold of, and excellent pop punk it is. Four songs, all with a characteristic French punk rhythm machine, fuzz guitars, good hooks, and even bagpipes. Cool.
This French band manages a mid-tempo punk style competently, yet without the passion of some of their countrymen (i.e., KIDNAP). “Ilot Amsterdam” is the clear standout due to its energy and melodic crunch; much of the other material just stands there.
The vast majority of the tracks here are post-punk of various stripes, with a few punk tracks interspersed (SUBHUMANS, RUBELLA BALLET, AUSWEIS, LUCRATE MILK). Other bands include K.U.K.L, BRIGADES, MARTYRS, SHOCK CORRIDOR, etc.). Sound quality varies from track to track with many live recordings. Interesting insert concept.
Some good punk from RED LONDON and HAINE BRIGADE, some poetry from ATILA, some odds and ends, some poorly recorded live NEUROTICS. Mixed bag.