Hemmungslose Erotik H.E. EP
Most (five of six tunes) are traditional punk, sing-along and Britpunk styles—one tune, “H.E.”, though is a decent thrasher. OK.
Most (five of six tunes) are traditional punk, sing-along and Britpunk styles—one tune, “H.E.”, though is a decent thrasher. OK.
Sounding like COCKNEY REJECTS to some extent, this band’s second EP delivers 79 UK punk with spirited beat, choruses, and lots of spunk. Above par.
A four-band, one track each regional comp from Hagen. Hottest tracks are by CZERNY SMIERTELNY (sounds Polish to me) and SJORBUT, but WICKIE and HEMMUNGSCLOSE EROTIK are both enjoyable. Good indie punk effort.