
Heavy Medication

Dunstan Bruce Fucking Expensive / PIN Number 7″

I was not sure what a record by a former CHUMBAWAMBA member would be like; I had no idea what to expect. Well, I’m pretty happy to say that it sounds very much like his former band. Social commentary, some dance beats, some rocking. Starting off with some nicely orchestrated strings before the beat picks up and the list of things that are “Fucking Expensive” begins, we learn everything is fucking expensive including democracy. The second song, “PIN Number,” is a dance song that has one of the most infectious beats that I’ve heard in a while. This record was very enjoyable—I really like it and I really miss CHUMBAWAMBA.

Guerrilla Teens I Cyclops / Pride of the Savanna 7″

What if Glenn Danzig’s favorite movie as a kid was Rocky Horror Picture Show? And so his favorite music was the soundtrack to Rocky Horror Picture Show? Like, imagine young Danzig going to every midnight showing of the flick, knowing all the little audience participation parts and gags. Right, so this is what his first band probably would have sounded like. Campy horror punk? If I’ve conjured an exciting image in your head, that’s my bad. The actual product here is far from exciting. The A-side might have been saved by a good chorus since the instrumentation is pretty decent, but instead you just get the word “cyclops” shouted a bunch. I’ll just go back to picturing little Danzig in the theater, singing along with Tim Curry instead.

The Streetwalkin’ Cheetahs Call the Dogs 10”

Look, if you’re going to name your project after a STOOGES lyric that even your uncle who only listens to the classic rock radio station knows, you’re going to have to bring it. The STREETWALKIN’ CHEETAHS have been around since the ’90s, and so maybe at one point they did indeed bring it, but that ain’t the case here. Honestly, this sounds like OK GO drank too many whiskeys and tried to be the bar band for the night. Also, if your four-song release is too long for a 7” record so you have to put it out as a 10”, just take that as a sign that your songs are too long. If you truly ain’t got time to make no apology—as Iggy says—well, then you shouldn’t have time for five-minute songs.