Deja Voodoo Cemetery LP
Very minimalist rockabilly/R’n’B with just drums, guitar, and voice. It never gets crazy like, say, Suicide, and with a derivative genre like this, that’s a real necessity. Still, it’s fun.
Very minimalist rockabilly/R’n’B with just drums, guitar, and voice. It never gets crazy like, say, Suicide, and with a derivative genre like this, that’s a real necessity. Still, it’s fun.
Tons of tunes here, though the monotony does finally get to you. There’s just a singer/guitarist and a drummer who blast out ultra-simple rock’n’roll a la CRAMPS, drawing on ’50’s R’n’B and rockabilly.
Goofy punky rock new wave Á la ’77. Satirical lyrics combined with surfy/folky/jazzy music with an edge. Sort of like FRANK ZAPPA meets early MYSTIC KNIGHTS OF OINGO BOINGO.
“Teen trash” is right—this neo-’60s garage outfit presents a clutch of primitive, upbeat rockers on this one. We’ve heard it all before—and that’s the problem. Montreal’s GRUESOMES don’t recycle their riffs to sound new or different, though there are a few nostalgia moments here, like “For All I Care.”
A mixed bag of punk, ’60s folk, rockabilly, experimental, and pop with Volume 2 being a bit better than Volume 1. Features the likes of GRUESOMES, DEJA VOODOO, MY DOG POPPER, ENIGMAS, and lots more.