Bounce House Pop Rox cassette
More so than anything, what causes my ears to prick up at the end of the day is songcraft. You can build up almost anything on good bones, and that’s something Santa Ana’s BOUNCE HOUSE gets from the jump. From the opening notes of “Sweetness,” which echoes the heartaching best of the jangly Dunedin sound, I’m hooked. What follows is a peppier affair, though the duo never strays far from their melancholic center. Even the zig-zagging rock’n’roll of “Cannonball,” while a certified earworm, has a sort of moroseness that I find deeply appealing. Add to that a nimble bass line and snotty hook, and I’m fully sold. There’s really not a snoozer in the handful of tunes—even the plaintive closer “Yesterday’s Bus Pass” is compelling with its shimmering guitar and wistful harmonies. All in all, these are five well-penned tracks of guitar pop that I’ll keep coming back to until the next EP (or, fingers crossed, a full-length).