Mindless Let ‘Em Know EP
As hardcore bands become more and more abundant these days, it’s understandable that some would want to think outside of the box and come up with something to stand out. With that in mind, I applaud MINDLESS from Kent and their EP Let ‘Em Know, which is a nasty slab of aggro hardcore that swings for the fences by way of adding in some Oi! and powerviolence influences that sometimes work and sometimes don’t. Opening track “Business as Usual” is just that, a serviceable bit of UKHC that has a cool breakdown and will please the two-steppers. The title track follows suit, as well as fourth track “Nightmare,” while the closing track “Evil” is a surprisingly upbeat Oi! number that has a heavy BUSINESS influence that would sit comfortably on a setlist by contemporaries the CHISEL. It’s the song “Cold Hell” that throws me for a loop, with a powerviolence influence coming by way of some blastbeats that, to be honest, I don’t love. It may be personal preference more than anything, but I don’t think it adds much to the song and leaves me wishing they had omitted it entirely. Still, four out of five isn’t a bad average by any means—I’d say it’s worth a listen if this is your thing.