Die Toten Hosen Wir Sind Bereit / JÁ¼rgen Engler’s Party 7″
This falls into a pop-punk category. There’s poppy back-up vocals and hand claps, cut the basics are all solid older-style punk. I like it a lot.
This falls into a pop-punk category. There’s poppy back-up vocals and hand claps, cut the basics are all solid older-style punk. I like it a lot.
A pop-punk classic, especially “Reisefieber,” which sorta sounds like a male of LILLIPUT’s “Die Matrosen,” with its unbelieveably catchy melody punctuated by whistling. And dig those bagpipes! The flip is almost as enjoyable and memorable, so look for this.
A remarkably enjoyable X-mas 7″ from DIE TOTEN HOSEN. The title cut has a silly spoken intro before breaking into their well-known brand of melodic funnypunk; “Willi’s Weisse Weihnacht” is slower and not particularly impressive. But “Knecht Rubrect’s Fahrt” is the really outstanding track here, with its clean, heavy instrumentation, indefatigable sing-along choruses, and hilarious theme.
Basically, this German group mines that same lode that EDDIE & THE HOT RODS did years ago. Still, with the hard-charging guitars and nifty melodies you might find yourself singing along to these full-throttle rockers. This band has a simple but good formula on this record that works.
Germany’s goofy punks present a concept record: five songs, each one pretending to be a different band from a different country—a US surf band, a UK metal band, Mexican mariachis, etc. Good idea, terrible results.