SOAKIE Nuke the Frats 12″
Super excited about this seven song LP from half Aussie-/half NY-based SOAKIE. For a band that only started in 2018 and managed to put out their demo within a couple of weeks of their first show, their sound is incredibly established and assertive. I love that they’ve revamped some of the songs from the demo, with cleaner guitar tones and more diverse vocal stylings. The new songs are absolutely killer and continue to criticize heteronormative clichés, shitty dudes and the stinking rich. The COMES spring to mind especially on faster tracks like “Or You Or You” and with the sprawling, melodic guitar and rapidly spat vocals of “Power Tools.” “Boys on Stage” is the obvious stand-out, an anthem that I’m sure all women in punk (and beyond) can relate to. Listening to it makes me want to puke, cry, and break everything in sight all at once. In other words, buy this record.