Reagan Youth Where the Hell Are You Now?
Thought process: I know REAGAN YOUTH played shows in recent years without Dave Insurgent, but a new EP? [Flips record over] Oh wait, this was recorded in February 1982? …In Denver?!? So yeah, it’s not that REAGAN YOUTH, it’s the pre-BUM KON band that never properly released anything back in the day. Kind of amazing this exists at all, since the liner notes describe a group without a steady bass player, a set of mostly cover songs, and a lifespan of only a few months. But it’s good! Rudimentary yet lively (and studio-quality) versions of five tunes that later appeared, in revved-up fashion, on BUM KON’s Drunken Sex Sucks EP and/or posthumous LP (co-released by MRR and, in this writer’s completely biased opinion, an under-appreciated artifact). I’m glad to see Donut Crew and GSL rebooted for this worthwhile endeavor.