Mutants Curse of the Easily Amused CD
Fabulous. Growing up in San Francisco, the MUTANTS were a band known to me by name and legend long before I actually heard them or saw them live. At nine years old, my friend’s big brother had flyers of CRIME, AVENGERS, VS., and the MUTANTS on his wall that I would stare at endlessly, sucked in by the garish, disturbing black-and-white images which were better than any cartoon show. While not being my favorite of the pioneer SF punk bands, you have to hand it to the MUTANTS for putting in so much work for that early scene and for just being so much fun! Shit, they even organized that whole Napa State Hospital show with the CRAMPS. This collection of outtakes, remixes, and live tracks is hands down the best MUTANTS release I’ve heard. While I’ve held onto my ancient copy of Fun Terminal, if not just for the cover photos of the long-gone sleazy arcade, the mixes of those songs on that record were always too clean for me. The songs are great though, and it’s criminal that they didn’t make it as big as the GO-GO’S or OINGO BOINGO (tell me “Love Song” isn’t top-ten worthy), but it’s still lacking the seedy grittiness needed for my repeated listenings. There’s lots of amazing pics inside here (would have loved more), as well as tales of their art-school-turned-punk progression into local greatness. There’s no “New Drug” here, but there’s ones you’ve probably never heard before that are just as good or better. So ingest whatever mind-altering chemicals you have, slap this on, and dance! Also make sure to see the Emerald Cities movie if you get the chance. You won’t be sorry.