Tercer Mundo Discografia cassette
Cool! TERCER MUNDO’s debut EP was one of the first records I got assigned to review that I was really stoked on getting a review copy to take home as well. Encased in a beautiful hand-screened envelope with ultra-gore ¡Alarma!-style graphics and an insert with decapitated heads on one side and a woman’s armless and legless torso inside with the words “Mexico 2012—60,000 human beings dead. Now go party and score some cocaine” gave one an idea of what to expect. Brutal, violent, raw hardcore from an especially violent and bloody period in Mexico’s history. This turmoil spawned an awesome spark of raw musical inspiration much as ’80s and early ’90s Medellin punk and metal did under Escobar’s reign. Bands like TERCER MUNDO, MUERTE, INSERVIBLES, ABORTICIDIO, and RATAS DEL VATICANO were on fire with art and anguish, with a sound akin to an updated MASSACRE 68 or SECTA SUICIDA SIGLO 20. Eager American punks like me lapped it up. Here we get that killer EP as well as the follow-up LP all on one cassette, beautifully packaged in the pictures I’ve seen. It’s limited to 40 copies so you’ll have to fight me to get one of your own, but if you miss out, member Dave Rata is making beautiful music in NYC in POBREZA MENTAL, XERO, and more. Really cool.