Kiloff & Debtors Mokry Sen cassette
Trippy. This band, it appears, is actually a collective of various Polish artists from the Szczecin area who all release a lot of material collectively and separately through the Syf label. It’s all a little mysterious, which works in their favor while listening to their Zoom-recorded art-punk jams, sung in their native tongue. There are twenty-three tracks here, many of which are two minutes and under. The spookier, BUTTHOLE SURFERS-style tracks such as “Poeci” and “Po Majowce” are my favorites, but the material ranges from something that could be on a Lumpy Records comp (like “Ponownie”) to the RESIDENTS-inspired “Zebranie.” Maybe there are reviewers more knowledgeable about this group out there, but there’s definitely a long rabbit hole available for one to jump into if they so choose. Dig it. I did.