Body Farm / Dry Socket Body//Socket split LP
Cool split here. BODY FARM kicks things off with a powerviolence/youth crew hybrid. Reminds me of BETTER THAN A THOUSAND mixed with SPAZZ. Really love the vocals— more like a yelp than your typical grind-screaming. Feels fresh and unique. My only complaint here is that the drums are way too loud. At first I thought that maybe the drummer was playing out of the pocket way too often, but in reality, they’re just drowning everything else out, which is a real bummer because there are some great guitar parts that are lost in the mix. DRY SOCKET brings everything up to another level. Serious mosh anthems with a singer who screams like a banshee. I’m truly amazed listening to them. Screeching this loud for this long is a superpower. Everything else is tight and groovy; brutal and intense. Real solid outing here form both bands.