Tensö La Pataleta EP
TENSÖ is a punk band from Tenerife. I saw them play last year, and while this is a record (not a show) review, they look, behave, and sound the same live as they do on record. They have such a natural theatrical element that is rare, even if punk tends to act out—and yet, that sort of blasé nihilism paired with anger can make great punk songs. This record blasts of with two rather hardcore-sounding songs that remain melodic, but such sharp shocks are paired with the other half of the record containing mid-tempo, desperate tracks that show how their more laid-back, stretched-out, and more melodic songs could still not be tamed and are still snotty as hell. It’s an area where most punk rock bands fail, but TENSÖ owns this field. Four songs in two different styles, yet still consistent. Such a great band!