Wasserdicht Prihajamo V Miru LP
With a name like this, I was expecting some kind of corny Deutschpunk band, but I was wrong, and, if the feeling is never pleasant, I was still glad to deal with a band from Slovenia, as it is not a scene I often have the opportunity to explore. WASSERDICHT seem to have been active from 1994 until the mid-’00s, and this is their comeback record, so I assume they must be, or have been anyway, quite famous at home. The band belongs to the generation of ’90s bands like PIZDA MATERNA and other Balkan bands like NULA, HOCU? NECU!, or BAD JUSTICE, a little-known wave (if you are not local) that clearly deserves to be documented. I have to confess that upon seeing the cover, I was not expecting to like Prihajamo v Miru (meaning “we come in peace”), but this is a decent effort. WASSERDICHT plays heavy, beefy, direct hardcore with great gruff vocals reminiscent of ’80s Swedish bands like SVART PARAD or AVSKUM. I think the band is solid when the music goes fast with an old school touch (an almost Scandinavian vibe at times) as that is where the band sounds the most intense, but the slower songs lose me a little. The lyrics are all in Slovenian, which contributes to making the record sound even angrier. Pretty good indeed.