Fuckcrusher / Penny split LP
Listen, I’m a huge fan of unique vocalists, especially in a genre like punk music which requires you to think outside the box if you ever plan to shine among the crowd. And I’m really sorry here because, again, I absolutely love when bands try something different, but both of these acts are marred with grating and unlistenable singers, which is a real shame because the music is fantastic. FUCKCRUSHER plays classic multi-vocal powerviolence akin to MAN IS THE BASTARD. One of the singers sounds fine, but the other one loves to hit this piercing shrill that I cannot handle. Maybe I’m just getting old? It seems like they’re trying to go for an ULTIMATE WARRIORS vibe, but it just sounds like they’re blowing a referee whistle. PENNY plays sloppy punk rock that I was pretty excited about at first, but their singer sounds like Mickey Mouse on a bender. You know what though? The more I listen to this, the more I kinda like it. It’s oddly wholesome and charming. The whole band joins in on gang-vocal duties for their track “Tree,” and it’s truly the breakout single of this whole ordeal. Fuck it, this album is an experience, and I recommend you listen to it at least once. Maybe there is a little bit of shine here.