Ye.Stem Ye.Stem LP
From Warsaw, YE.STEM is here with their monster sixteen-track debut LP. This follows a 2021 EP which was also self-titled, and all four of those songs made the cut here. As a listener not native to Poland, the lyrics are lost on me—but that’s OK, I enjoy hearing the energy and anger without context. I couldn’t find much on the band or its members, but I imagine there were other projects that preceded this given their seasoned stage performance from the few videos I found. Lots of whole-gang sing-alongs, snaking guitar riffs, gut-busting bass, and ceaseless drumming, keeping the energy high the whole album through. They do slow down a bit on parts of “Tatiana” and “Szela,” the latter being my favorite track, even though they trade in their fast-driving mold for melancholic reflection (sonically, anyhow, if not in lyrical content). While it’s a lot to bite off, this album does have its gems.