Freak Activity Cassette Tape #2 cassette
From the solo bedroom (read: basement) project of Myles Page, the fairly prolific FREAK ACTIVITY drops another cassette. Buzzy guitars greet us on the opener “Come to Me,” with simple backbeat drums, distorted vocals, and a generally pop-forward sound, maybe BILLIAM-reaching. While this is true for tracks one through four, five through nine take a different tone, trading a freewheeling irreverence for a melancholic shuffle. The B-side also brings in the synth, which is at times cantankerous (“Lots of Things”) and at others catchy disco-poppy (“Material World”) like a COBRA MAN song. There’s a cover of DIGITAL LEATHER’s “Physical Man” as well, which is booming, spacious and doom-filled, leading perfectly into the last track “Lost at Sea,” featuring a mesmerizing synth line with lyrics that repeat “I lost my ship along the way;” a sense of loss, despair—insert whichever feeling you like—and is my absolute favorite of the album. From what I can tell previous releases—something like five EPs, a few singles, and an LP—were all self-released digitally or via hand-dubbed tapes or CDs with personalized drawings on each. Cassette Tape #2 marks the first label release on Painters Tapes, self-described as “Detroit’s Worst Cassette Label.” So, congrats, and please keep up this enjoyable FREAK ACTIVITY.