Svaveldioxid Främmande Samtid Strämmande Framtid 10″
Total kängpunk ear-annihilation from the absolute country of Sweden! No gimmicks, just plain DISCHARGE-styled hardcore the way that ANTI-CIMEX used to preach. These käng purists learned the lesson well and follow the school of Anarkist Attack (if the name of the band wasn’t already a clue). Recorded at the legendary Sunlight Studios, which helped to put the HM-2w pedal on the map and crafted the crunchiest guitar sound ever through bands like ENTOMBED and DISMEMBER—SVAVELDIOXID used and abused this pedal and unleashed a barrage of chainsaw guitar hardcore on this latest record. Playing this type of sound since 2015 really allowed them to perfect the formula. If it ain’t broken, don’t fix it!