Nein Danke Ich Weiß Nicht, Wo Ich Bin 10″
Nine tracks and ten inches from Neuwied, Germany’s NEIN DANKE, a duo playing some synth-and-drum-machine-heavy beats with poppy, sugary vocals. Some influences of Neue Deutsche Welle here: MALARIA! comes to mind, as well as KRAFTWERK—both are maybe too-easy comparisons. The songs on Ich Weiß Nicht, Wo Ich Bin are at times bright, at others dark; slow and sweeping on “Immer Denken,” or fast, driving, and jittery on “Alles, Was Ich Muss.” The last track “Illusion” brings all of this together—at 3:40, it has time to wander back and forth from that pumping drum machine to just synth lines hanging out to dry. Would highly recommend.