Rouge Sang Rouge Sang demo cassette
Depro-punk foursome from Brest, France out with their five-track demo. Fitting nicely in Symphony of Destruction’s catalog, ROUGE SANG plays dark, melodic punk, keeping a simple lineup of bass, drums, guitar, and vocals. Bands like T.S.O.L. come to mind, mixed with a bit of whole-gang Oi! backing vocals, creating an interesting mix. Does their name come from the politically-minded French folk-rocker RENAUD’s 2006 album Rouge Sang? Unclear. Maybe “blood red” or “red blood” (however the translation goes) just makes for a good gothic-tinged band name. As with most Symphony of Destruction releases, I enjoy this; more in a head-nodding-along kind of manner, less in a “I’ve got to show this to people” kind of way. That said, I’ll be interested to see where this group goes and how they lean into their sound, should there be more coming our way.