Freat I.H.T.U. cassette
Politically-charged Midwest synth punk that is virtually unlistenable. These folks have their hearts in the right place, and sing (vocalize?) about bodily autonomy, the pervasiveness of QAnon-fueled conspiracy theories, and the growing hate group Moms for Liberty, but it is done with such inept musicianship that it runs the risk of losing all meaning. The tracks feature simple drum programming and synth washes with growly, bluesy, out-of-time spoken vocals that sound like they are being read from a notebook. This is backed by rudimentary guitar phrases and occasional gang vocals (I’m assuming from whoever else was in the bedroom at the time of recording) that yell out the song titles. I give FREAT maximum DIY spirit points and applaud their punk effort at creating an outlet for their frustrations. But, sonically, it’s remarkably bad.