Black Button Internal Life 12″
Here is a band that knows how to break the molds of its genre. Their previous release Rejoice really nailed the strange hardcore sound of bands like NO TREND and mixed it up with “drunken late-night loneliness” noise rock á la JESUS LIZARD or BRAINBOMBS. The new EP Internal Life seems more urgent and anxious, whereas the previous one was more contained and focused on creating an aural picture of malaise. Opener “Feed” slowly builds up into a frenzy of skank beats and angry verses, moving away from the tension-building modus operandi and moving closer to their first album I Want to Be in Control. Standout track “Better To Wait” could easily be in the same universe as RASPBERRY BULBS due to its darker, off-putting riffage. A more diverse release in terms of malleability within the hardcore genre and a step towards its roots.