Celestial Sewer Down in the Sink cassette
Shit-fi no wave from (I think) Olympia, consisting of stridently dissonant guitar tones arm-wrestling over unintelligible yelping vocals. You will know within five seconds if you are in or out, and folks, I’m in. Imagine sitting in traffic with your windows up, and the car to your left is blasting MARS and the car to your right is blasting the DEAD C. Let’s also pretend it’s summer with no AC, just to make it a little more uncomfortable. Through the clatter, patterns occasionally reoccur long enough to become catchy, like on the tracks “Bo Bo” and “Local Sherman.” There is a part in opener “Diagonal Angle” where it sounds like someone is rhythmically tuning and detuning their guitar at a very high volume. Pretty boss anti-riff, if you ask me. I admittedly have a high tolerance for the shrill and skronky, but if you get freaky with noise, check this one out right away.