Evening Standards The Shining LP
Nice indie pop from Gainesville, FL by way of Bloomington, IN. There is a familiar lineage in the sounds here, but said sounds are delivered squarely through a 2024 lens. By that, I mean certain bands and labels of the past two decades will come to mind while listening—LEMURIA, RUN FOREVER, PLACES TO HIDE—but the proliferation of Americana and alt-country can be found peppered throughout these tracks as well. In fact, it’s those tracks with slide guitar (“Family Man”) or the dual vocals and harmonies (“Exploding Head”) that stand out the most here, because they do feel like they are attempting to tread new ground. The tracks that follow the more traditional-sounding indie/pop punk template tend to wash over without leaving much of an imprint (“Edgelord”). EVENING STANDARDS relocating to the home of The Fest and No Idea Records makes a lot of sense, and I hope they keep exploring open chords over power chords, especially if it means more tracks like the album’s closer “Mountain Top.”