Dell’Anima Nella Serpe Tre Salti Delie Streghe cassette
This Italian techno-punk band refers to their sound as digital hardcore, which recalls the first time I heard that genre signifier in the ’90s with ATARI TEENAGE RIOT. Much like that band, DELL’ANIMA NELLA SERPE employs angry, dueling male and female vocals over heavy distorted beats and samples. Expanding from Alex Eiffel’s pounding 808 destruction, this recording pulls from varied sections of the techno and rave underground with great effect. “Rabbia Post Tso” moves from a near-amen break pattern to full drum and bass, and “Melissa P” centers around heavy dubstep wobbles. The band really shines in the slow jams, where a sinister crawling synth haunts the proceedings, like on “Tre Salti Delle Streghe” and woozy standout “L’arte Di Fare Schifo.” The final track centers around a protest chant with cavernous, murky production that highlights the darkness of the whole album. This is punk first and foremost, but done so with careful consideration to complement their vocals with foreboding textures.