Drivel #1
It’s about new things, new treats, new romances, new friends, new homes, all kinds of new stuff. This is a sweet little zine that covers quite a lot of ground. I actually read this whole thing in one sitting (which is unlike me) and there were times when I thought I was getting bored… but I realized that it was just my horrendously short attention span being taxed by something of substance. Gina Sarti has created something here that you have to down to appreciate, and I particularly enjoyed the new friend interview which felt like I had been invited to share in something really intimate and honest. It’s gentle but it’s not twee, it’s funny and it’s full of beautiful, simple line illustrations and patterns. This zine has that “Hey I want to show you something” vibe about it, which I really dig. It made me think of my friends. Plus, I don’t know about you, but I will always want to hear stories about punk houses that you’ve lived in. And if you do now or have ever worked in the voluntary/charity/support sector then you might find some solidarity here, too. Available through Antiquated Future Distro.