Sluice #6
High production value on this one, but with a pure DIY spirit! You can tell the author has thought thoroughly about their work. They explain at the end that they have tendonitis from the meticulous (and aesthetically excellent) handwriting, and unfortunately the next issue will be typed. Sluice is an in-depth guide to the Huntsville, Alabama scene and beyond. They squeeze in five brief but fun and well-done interviews, a nice travelogue, a show review, a sort of humorous political thing, and a page of bite-sized scene report news. Apparently, someone got punched at an X show. This is equal parts hyper-local with bits of in jokes, and still accessible to a complete outsider. The interview with Matthew Thompson of @fluke_fanzine contained some good punk history, for instance. The color cardstock cover is nice, there is a page of OK photos and some absurd drawing on the back. This came out right after they hosted their first Sluice Fest, which is great.