Antihéroes Presentes Urbanizados / Algo Nos Sucede 7″
In the mid-’80s, a five-piece band from Argentina scraped together their meager resources and recorded a two-song cassette. The cassette was a success and helped ANTIHÉROES gather some momentum, but the recording became quickly lost in time. Fortunately, Munster records and Twistin’ Bones have gotten together to issue a 7″ containing the two original songs recorded by ANTIHÉROES. Danceable post-punk with a raw edge; bass-and-drums-driven macabre. Occasionally, synthesizers and guitars take angular jabs back and forth. It’s bittersweet knowing these two songs were the only ones recorded by ANTIHÉROES, but at least they have that bop and can now be a unique artifact from a sparsely documented scene.