Canal Irreal Someone Else’s Dance LP
Singer Martin Sorrondeguy has achieved legendary status in the American punk scene. He sang about the issues immigrants faced living in the USA in LOS CRUDOS, made Beyond The Screams: A US Latino Hardcore Punk Documentary, fronted straightedge queercore band LIMP WRIST, perfected the craft of photographing punk shows, and is overall a major influence for steering punk in the right direction. CANAL IRREAL is his newest project alongside friends from SIN ORDEN, COLD LOVERS, and CARDIAC ARREST, and they are already on their second full-length through Beach Impediment. It mixes all that we love about hardcore (the fast tempos, the gritty instrumentation, the raspy vocals), but it’s a post-punk band, essentially. Someone Else’s Dance flows easily in 30 minutes, and it keeps you on the edge of your seat. A great record from start to finish, and it will appease the followers of Martin’s work and gather a lot of new fans.