Gyrate Negative Excess cassette
Is there such a thing as too much icy post-punk? The answer is of course “no,” and here we have Sydney, Australia’s GYRATE to add to the list of bands currently excelling in this sort of thing, alongside LATHE OF HEAVEN and SYNDROME 81 (amongst others). GYRATE’s Negative Excess nails the noodling, clinical guitars, vocals more spoken than sung, and an overall vibe that’s slightly off-kilter. It sounds fantastic and comes together brilliantly on “Maze” and “Uniformed Choice.” The band cites LOW LIFE as forebears, and while I wasn’t terribly familiar with them before this came across my pile, I’m always happy to fill in some of the blanks in my musical knowledge, especially in this genre. Anyways, if you ask me, this shit never gets old, highly recommended.