

Invertebrates Sick to Survive LP

INVERTEBRATES are from Richmond, Virginia and include a couple of members of PUBLIC ACID. Speedy hardcore reminiscent of JERRY’S KIDS at their best—’80s-style hardcore done right, with speed, ferocity, and a little bit of melody. This record makes me want to dance and jump around the room; I can’t wait to see them live. My advice is to get this album before it’s gone, it’s great!

Invertebrates Invertebrates demo cassette

Super solid demo from this Richmond, VA, band. Four songs of UK82-inspired hardcore with raw production, fast, catchy songs, and shouted DISCHARGE-style vocals. “Red Lake Earth” starts with a great three-note lead that burrows in your brain as it turns into a three-chord blast. “Shit Pit” has some classic, single bent note hooks and a dissonant solo that push all the classic HC buttons in the right order. Loud, fast, and raging punk for fans of the FIX and UNRULY BOYS.