Lazy Cowgirls Tapping the Source LP
At their best, they remind me of the PAGANS in their simple and hard-hitting guitar punk. Other songs also carry a ’77 punch, and a few draw on 50s R’n’B for inspiration. Cool.
At their best, they remind me of the PAGANS in their simple and hard-hitting guitar punk. Other songs also carry a ’77 punch, and a few draw on 50s R’n’B for inspiration. Cool.
I think this is the first modern punk record Bomp’s put out since the ZEROS and WEIRDOS days, and this one is excellent. Really good, driving tunes, crunching guitars, and fun/tough vocals. Pick this up.
I was prepared not to like this, based on the “corporate” feel to this so-called indie record. But the music speaks for itself. If you’re into that early punk sound heavy on pop, then you’ll like this. It’s got a RAMONES-ish approach, though a bit more melodic musically and smoother vocally. Killer rave version of the ELEVATORS’ “You’re Gonna Miss Me,” not unlike DMZ here.