Luxury Teeth DCxPC Live & Dead, Vol. 3 LP
These DCxPC slabs are always a lot of fun. LUXURY TEETH brings us your standard rock’n’roll-flavored hardcore. The first half of the album is a live recording—high-energy and sloppy at times, but the good kind of sloppy. Super raw and minimally produced, if produced at all. Lots of charming banter in between songs, and you can tell the band are among friends in the audience. Just a really pleasant time all around. Warms the cold cockles of my heart. Also there’s an OUTFIELD cover slipped in halfway through, and that adds an additional ten points from me. The latter half, the “dead” half, is studio recordings which are a bit more polished and produced, but they do a good job of staying authentic to the band’s live charisma. Really enjoyable stuff here, and well worth a spin.