Middle-Aged Queers / The Raging Nathans DCxPC Live Presents, Vol. 20 split LP
It’s such a bummer to me when bands choose to talk shit about sobriety. At the end of the RAGING NATHANS’ set, they talk about how one of the band members quit drinking six to seven years ago and hasn’t had any fun since. The RAGING NATHANS, even in jest, are perpetuating a stereotype that people who don’t drink are incapable of having fun. I just hate that even our punk subculture succumbs to promoting mainstream culture of pressuring people to drink. Support your friends in recovery and generally don’t be a dick. Anyways, the rest of it is decent, though the recording is a bit muddy. The flipside is pretty different. I love how in-your-face, authentic, and self-aware MIDDLE-AGED QUEERS are. During their live set, they use their platform to engage the audience in a chant for their theme song: “We are the queers / The MIDDLE-AGED QUEERS / We are the queers / Go fuck yourself.” Overall, I’m glad it exists, but I like one side much more than the other. These bands are similar musically, but pretty different when it comes to their lyrics.