The Mob We Come to Crush LP
New recordings here as the band has re-grouped, though a few older songs (re-recorded) appear as well. This does rage throughout, an energetic blast of excitement with a very “live” feel to it. Get it.
New recordings here as the band has re-grouped, though a few older songs (re-recorded) appear as well. This does rage throughout, an energetic blast of excitement with a very “live” feel to it. Get it.
The second EP from this New York group, and it’s really quite powerful. There are only three songs, but each is delivered with strength and seeming conviction, with lyrics of a positive but militant nature. Dynamite.
Nine-song debut from NYC. Furious-paced hardcore laced with heavy metal guitar solos and extremely short songs, much like the first CIRCLE JERKS LP. And like the latter it has confused lyrics which condemn much and beg for unity—but around what and for what? All in all, enjoyable.