

Lazy Cowgirls Sock It to Me Santa / Goddamn Bottle 7″

I think this is the first modern punk record Bomp’s put out since the ZEROS and WEIRDOS days, and this one is excellent. Really good, driving tunes, crunching guitars, and fun/tough vocals. Pick this up.

Stiv Bators Story in Your Eyes / Have Love Will Travel 12″

The KINGSMEN cover is good compared to the recent DEAD BOYS release, but pales when compared to the NOMADS version. The flip too is a tame soft rock tune. Not happening.

The Raunchettes Tell Me Why 12″

This rockin’ all-female foursome kicks out five songs, nearly all with a chunky guitar sound and plaintive vocals. This band really connects when their humor and personality comes through (as on “What? Scuz Me?”), but this is still an enjoyable slab.