Fuck Geez Zzz…….. flexi EP
A one-sided job; two studio and two live cuts; two fast and two medium; all good punk. Hot guitar and drumming, energy and fun.
A one-sided job; two studio and two live cuts; two fast and two medium; all good punk. Hot guitar and drumming, energy and fun.
A pulsating beat full of melodic musical structures pushing forth a steady pace with grinding vocals and good harmonizing. Very tight with a raw appeal for this three-piece from Japan, making a fun, enjoyable sound that sticks. Good guitar effects work with the right charm. Good stuff from the MCR label.
A three-song job—one slow punker, one medium punker, and one fast punker. All are fine sounding, hot vocals, and lots of power. Good stuff, and neat guitar.
A Kyoto-area comp featuring INFECT, SCABIES, WALTZ, FUCK GEEZ, SEX COMPLEX CLASS, and the SADIST. Mostly ’77 stuff except for ripping thrash from WALTZ and SADIST’s fast punk.
An international comp featuring FUCK GEEZ, GLORY, B.P. THE PRISONER, UK JUNX, FREEZE and ASBESTOS ROCKPYLE from the U.S., SCRAPS from France, S.O.D. from Sweden and the DEFORMED from England. Varying quality and sound, and hopefully more international punk will get exposure there.
Good driving, pounding early punk sound that kicks both musically and lyrically (anti-war). Interesting divergences are thrown in here and there, but don’t detract at all. Cool vocals, too.