X-Eyes X-Eyes cassette
Seattle, Washington self-proclaimed “aggro-surf,” but I’m not entirely sure what is special enough about X-EYES to warrant a brand new genre. Considering myself a bit of an amateur surf music aficionado, I cannot understand attaching surf as a genre on this tape. There’s a couple songs with noodly guitar lead parts? Is that it? If I had to give this a non-existent genre tag referencing pre-existing musical genres, I would go with something to the extent of “politically-driven melodic karaoke bar-rock punk.” The band is tight and the songs are well-played. The singer clearly has a good voice and can actually sing, but at times it feels that they are hamming it up a bit in the spotlight rather than having their voice be one of the instruments in the band. There are a few moments that kinda reminded me of TEM EYOS KI, but without the harmonized guitar leads. Seven-song cassette with only a few tracks from it being available on the band’s Bandcamp, so the only way to hear all the songs is on a physical cassette or the included download code. Attempting to use that download code, I was told that it had already been used too many times. I assure you, I did not download this cassette multiple times.