Create to Destroy! SOKEA PISTE

I met Juhana through KYKLOOPPIEN SUKUPUUTTO, a Finnish punk band I booked a show for at ABC No Rio. He’s in a new band, SOKEA PISTE, who will be in the USA next month. Here is some background on SOKEA PISTE and their upcoming tour…
Who is SOKEA PISTE and where are you from?
We’re four guys playing ugly music, based in Tampere, Finland. Heikki on guitar and vocals, Juhana on guitar, Seppo on bass, and Jukka on drums.

What other bands have you been in?
I’ve been in KYKLOOPPIEN SUKUPUUTTO, MANIFESTO JUKEBOX, VIRKAVALTA, LÄHEMPÄNÄ LOPPUA, AORTAORTA, RIFT, and KUOLLUT MUISTO. Heikki has been doing some solo stuff on his own and Juhana has collaborated with a bowed lyre player Käppi and has another project called PO/NY. There have been some other occasional projects/bands as well.
What do you think you sound like?
Noisy, dischordant, rhythmic, and loud! The music we make has also been described as depressing. Punk fucking rock?
What do others say you sound like?
We have been compared to an astonishing array of bands ranging from DIE KREUZEN to MISSION OF BURMA, RUDIMENTARY PENI and LUBRICATED GOAT. Post punk and noise rock references have also not been too uncommon….
What releases have you done so far?
One seven-inch and two twelve-inch records. All of these are available from Peterwalkee Records. Everything released is also on one CD.
Have all of you toured the USA before?
Jukka has been over with MANIFESTO JUKEBOX back in 2002 and Juhana toured the States with KYKLOOPPIEN SUKUPUUTTO 2010.
Any good memories?
The MANIFESTO JUKEBOX tour had its ups and downs. Some places and lots of people were really great. SF burritos were awesome! KYKLOOPPIEN SUKUPUUTTO were treated to some great Thai food, had a nice gig and even got to go to sauna in Minneapolis.
Midwest hospitality…and SF does have the best burritos! What was your worst tour experience?
With KYKLOOPPIEN SUKUPUUTTO showing up at a weekend gig after a twelve-hour drive and basically no one turning up. MANIFESTO JUKEBOX managed to clear out the hall in Long Beach, CA, if I remember correctly….
What are you excited for on this tour?
Getting away from Finland for a while and hopefully meeting some friendly folks and seeing some great bands. Some good American microbrews also wouldn’t go amiss!
Any last words?
Hopefully these won’t be the last. Come see us and say hi.
Check tunes from and big up for Matto organizing this tour!
SOKEA PISTE Winter 2014 US tour dates:
JAN. 7 RICHMOND VA @ Strange Matter
JAN. 8 Raleigh NC @ Nice Price Books & Records
JAN. 9 Athens GA
JAN. 10 Nashville TN
JAN. 11 Indianapolis IN TBA
JAN. 12 Chicago IL TBA
JAN. 13 Detroit MI @ Yonka House
JAN. 14 Cleveland OH @ Now That’s Class
JAN. 15 Pittsburgh PA @ Belvederes Ultra-Dive
JAN. 16 Buffalo NY @ Adam Mickiewicz Library & Dramatic Circle
JAN. 17 Albany NY @ Valentine’s
JAN 18 Providence RI @ Kristina’s World
Some dates may be subject to change, so check for up to date info!