
From the Vaults: Lost Cassettes, Digital Magic, and Sado-Nation

  • Published January 18, 2011 By Bryony
  • Categories Reviews
Tape scan: Dwayne "Bonedog" Mileham

My creepazoid lurking around rad old punkers’ Facebook profiles (what?) is always bearing fruit, but never more so than today. It appears obsessive archivist and collector Dwayne “Bonedog” Mileham has uncovered quite a gem!

This is a long lost, three-track SADO-NATION basement recording from 1982/83. Details are hazy but it seems these snarly Portland ragers made a handful of copies of this recording just to send to Maximum back in the day, and the tape found its way to Dwayne’s collection via Aaron Cometbus in the mid-’80s, where it has sat in his cavernous record room ever since.

The band had long since lost their copy, but miraculously this one still plays today, and in collaboration with front lady Mish, (formerly of all-girl group, the Braphsmears) this video has been made to give people access to these amazingly good quality recordings. Mish says they may well be put out as a proper release, 31 years later!