R.I.P. Jef Leppard
Former guitarists of Voetsek Jef Leppard passed away two days ago as a result a motorcycle accident, and his partner Nikki is currently in the hospital in critical condition. Please read on for information about how to help and where everyone is gathering to remember Jeff:

Our community has lost a very loved/respected individual over the past 24 hours and for this we mourn, all in our unique ways. RIP Jef Leppard. Now we’re all gathering the light of the universe and sending it to Nikki Davis for a full recovery… I just left SFGH, she can not have visitors at this time/and prolly not for a couple days. Nikki’s mom Donna Lee Wayrynen Culbert and father Smiley are here with various family members. We are setting up a memorial for Jef at Lennon Rehearsal for this Saturday June 16 7-10pm. He will be cremated. Please pass this info along, they have so many friends and extended family who truly care for them…this has been devastating.
—Ami LawLess
Jef Leppard memorial at Lennon Studios
271 Dore St, SF CA 94103
Saturday June 16th 7pm
Please bring some $$$ to donate — Jef will be cremated and Nikki is facing mountings bills. This is a potluck and strictly a four-band bill.
SMD (from L.A.)
Donations can be made via PayPal to: page.amy.s (AT) gmail.com
And please spread the word on this. These two have helped so many of us out over the years. Now it’s our turn to pay them back in a small way.