AMQA Cats Are Neat EP
Plenty of good stuff from the state of Washington these days, and count this one in there. Great, fun punk/thrash with really nice touches throughout. Check it out.
Plenty of good stuff from the state of Washington these days, and count this one in there. Great, fun punk/thrash with really nice touches throughout. Check it out.
Out of the 15 mid-tempo punk songs here, most are made up of delicate guitar leads, simple drum beats, and droning vocals that lean toward the dark side. Maybe the songs are too long, maybe the band doesn’t live up to their name, but this slab just doesn’t stand out.
You missed last time, so don’t miss this chance, ’cause this firebomb rips with that kind of crazed ferocity of speed, lightning-paced and raw deliverance that cranks the rug out from your feet. The dentist rips teeth from your jaw as Blaine tugs at his frenzied vocals in a passionate form of chaos, and the band giggles with nerve-smashing thrash. The original plus eight new tracks to light up your neighborhood.
The gut-crunching antics of this bizarre combo will take you on an insane journey into thrash, metallic mayhem, raw energy, and odd effects. Definitely a band with their own style, DEHUMANIZERS approach some new ground which works well sometimes. The vocals are heavy and growling, and the pace changes frequently, from speed to quaking riffs.
Sometimes surprising in its variety and energy, sometimes overdone and too long–a mixed effort. While their 7″ was funnier, this LP goes for production and power, sometimes obtaining a good cross of both, but not frequently enough for me. Lots of metal for the bangers though.