34 Trolley Relaxation 12″
34 TROLLEY is the new solo(-ish) project from Jarrett Dougherty, the drummer of SCREAMING FEMALES until their recent demise, which I am only bringing up here because the hype label on this 12” namedrops Dougherty’s former band rather prominently. I never really got the appeal of SCREAMING FEMALES, and for anyone who feels similarly, it’s a connection that could likely serve as a deterrent rather than an enticement. These four songs, however, are absolutely my kind of shit—loose-limbed mutant funk, Downtown 81 done 2024-style, riding the 99 Records express train direct from LIQUID LIQUID to ESG. Möbius loop bass lines and dead-stare disco drums carve out some extended, rump-shaking minimalist grooves, punctuated by quick slashes of Andy Gill-esque guitar and Brittany Luna’s sparse, sung/chanted vocals that mirror 34 TROLLEY’s guiding musical principles of economy and repetition with lyrics pared down to only the most direct calls to action. There’s some subtle, slinky vibraphone texture, there’s brief blasts of sax and trombone and trumpet, but the rhythm rules everything, from the caustically danceable and defiant “Go Ahead” (a pseudo answer song to BUSH TETRAS’ “Too Many Creeps”), to the percolating, nearly eight-minute roundabout of “Relaxation.” Instant hit.